The Budget block is one of the features included that enables transparency in communication.
The budget can be personalized by adding different categories and subcategories using the same user-friendly add-and-drag-and-drop system.
The budget is displayed on the website in different-sized blocks, according to the percentage of the different category costs.
It allows the user to navigate between categories and expenses.
Budget Title
A budget can be useful to be more transparent with the public.
The Making Of: This Page
Below, you can see how I used the BUDGET element to create this page, as shown in the screenshot from the admin panel below. This is the behind-the-scenes process that brought the page you're viewing to life – and not a single line of code was needed! That's just how easy it is to create a website via Website Factory. With simple clicks, copy-pasting or drag-and-drop actions behind the scenes, you can effortlessly craft a website that looks just like this